Job Goal:
To develop improved instructional techniques in core content areas (e.g., reading and mathematics) in St. Landry Parish Title I schools.
Qualifications (minimum education, licensure, skills, and/or experience):
- Valid Louisiana Teaching Certificate.
- Master’s degree from an accredited university.
- Louisiana certification to teach English, mathematics, or reading within grades 1-8.
- Five (5) years of successful certified teaching experience in the areas of English, mathematics, or reading within grades 1-8.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
- Assist Title I teachers and teachers with Title I students with testing, diagnosing, grouping, and evaluating Title 1 students.
- Assist teachers of Title I students with prescription writing, selection, construction, and proper use of supplementary materials.
- Collaboratively plan lessons with teachers, observe instruction, team teach, and provide instructional support and feedback to teachers of Title I students.
- Train Title I teacher aides and conduct in-service meetings with Title I teachers and with teachers and aides of Title I students.
- Assist librarians with materials and book classification of Title I students.
- Facilitate the writing of curriculum improvements, planning of summer workshops, and summer planning for the next school year.
- Assist all Title I schools with purchasing Title I materials.
- Participate in job-embedded professional learning communities and meet with Title I students and parents for educationally related purposes when required or requested.
- Perform other job-related duties as assigned.
Justification for Employment beyond nine months: The extended month’s employment is necessary to assist with evaluation of Title 1 instructional programs, plan for improving coordination and sequential skill teaching, and prepare for in-service of Title 1 aides, Title 1 teachers and teachers of Title 1 students.
Instructional support staff (i.e., instructional specialists, paraprofessionals, and coaches) shall be expected to perform the following duties, along with the completion of corresponding documents, forms, and reports.
- Complete a self-evaluation and document the results on appropriate written forms.
Professional Growth Plan
- Develop a Professional Growth Plan in collaboration with the evaluation.
- Supervise students as needed when students are on campus.
- Supervise students prior to school and/or drop-off, when assigned.
- Supervise students in the classroom, if needed
- Supervise students as needed between classes, during recess/intermission, during lunch, assemblies.
- Supervise students after school and/or pick-up, when assigned.
Instructional Components
- Fulfill duties traditionally expected of those in the counseling profession.
- Accept and discharge assignments.
- Practice and model punctuality.
- Collaborate with colleagues and departments.
- Adhere to federal, state, system, and school policies and regulations.
- Conduct conferences as needed. Maintain positive and timely interaction with parents relative to the performance or conduct of students assigned to the counselor.
- Follow recommendations made by school administrators and district staff.
- Take part in the continuing in-service program of the schools.
School Support Activities
- Provide for the care and proper usage of school property. Maintain current inventory of items assigned to position.
- Attend meetings generally associated with the instruction of students.
- Attend faculty, staff, and department meetings.
- Attend ILT meeting if applicable.
- Attend training sessions.
- Attend IEP/IAP meetings, upon request.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences, upon request
- Attend back-to-school and open-house events.
- Attend graduation.
- Attend student discipline meetings/hearings, upon request.
- Attend school board/committee meetings, upon request.
- If requested, be responsible for a reasonable amount of co-curricular and other duties beyond the regular school day as determined by the building principal.
- Attend/work concessions/gates at athletic events within school year.
- Attend all meetings and functions of those activities, clubs, or groups of which the employee is a sponsor/coach.
Physical Demands:
- Sedentary: Exerts up to 10 pounds of force occasionally and/or a negligible amount of force frequently; involves sitting most of the time.
Terms of Employment: 10 month
Evaluation: Performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board's policy on Evaluation of Professional Personnel (Bulletin 130).